Jedermann´s – TIE
Theatre in education
Directed by Czajlik József
New production of Košice’s Thalia Theatre is from every point of view an unique and experimental project in Hungarian and Slovak language. The performance Jedermann’s, created in cooperation with Káva Theatre from Budapest existing for almost 20 years, is a Theatre in education – TIE.
Although the theatre in education includes professional actors from Thalia Theatre, the stage performance is based on the educational experience of Káva Theatre´s highly skilled professional actors. These two factors guarantee the creation of demanding and high-quality performance with artistic and educational ambitions.
It’s a joint performance with concrete theme focused on interacting involvement of the audience. In such theatrical genre only one half of performance is created during the rehearsals. The second half will be created directly during the performance itself – when the students share their opinions, have the dialogue with the actors, influence the development of a story and sometimes decide, too.
The inspiration for the TIE project Jedermann is the play of the important Hungarian playwright Péter Kárpáti. Its central theme is the question of the responsibility. If someone has an issue, there is a question who is responsible, who can help someone else in the difficult situations? What possibilities of acting responsibly do we have in family, among friends, in the society, towards unknown person? Is it possible to help someone who refuses it, who lies to himself? What can do his relative or random unknown in that situation?
Nagy Kornélia/Varga Lívia |
Szabadi Emőke |
Lax Judit |
Havasi Péter |
Madarász Máté |
Production team
Consultee director: Kultúrna Dielňa Káva
Milák Melinda, Kardos János a Gyombolai Gábor
Dramaturgy: Forgács Miklós